December Wrap-Up

We are two days into January, and I just realized that I have yet to post my wrap-up for the month of December. December was a slower reading month for me. I was busy with the holiday season and got into a slump towards the end of November trying to read The Most Fun WeContinue reading “December Wrap-Up”

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

Synopsis A dazzling, multigenerational novel in which the four adult daughters of a Chicago couple–still madly in love after forty years–recklessly ignite old rivalries until a long-buried secret threatens to shatter the lives they’ve built. When Marilyn Connolly and David Sorenson fall in love in the 1970s, they are blithely ignorant of all that’s toContinue reading “The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo”

November TBR

I can’t believe it is already November! Why is it that the end of the year seems to fly by? Maybe because it is just such a busy time of year with lots of fun things happening. November’s to be read stack was not as easy to put together as October. In October I steppedContinue reading “November TBR”

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