The Five Finger Stack

As 2019 starts to wind down, I have been doing a lot of looking back on my year in books in order to come up with my top five (stay tuned!). There is a book stack challenge going around right now on Instagram called the Five Finger Stack, and I love it! Each finger represents a different type of book. It is the perfect end of the year challenge, and I wanted to take a stab at it and share some of my 2019 recommendations or non recommendations based on the prompts of this challenge!

Before I even get into details of my stack, can we just all stop and appreciate how heavy five hardback books are! I can literally see my arm straining to hold them up while trying to maneuver my phone to get the shot!

So Five Fingers—Going from the bottom up!

Thumb: A book you always give a thumbs up to:

Beyond the Point by Claire Gibson- I loved this book so much when I read it back in July. It is about love, friendship, and some kick-ass women. It is super long, but reading it I didn’t feel the length. I was so sad when it ended. Unfortunately, I read this book before I wrote my blog so the review isn’t on here, but I am linking my Goodreads review here if you are interested!

Index Finger: A book you always recommend:

A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum- This book gave me all the feels! I loved it, and am always telling everyone to go read it! A Woman is No Man really gave me insight into another culture, and what some women have to go through in order to be heard. Check out my Goodreads review here.

Middle Finger: A book you read recently that you didn’t like:

If Only I Could Tell You by Hannah Beckerman- This one did not do it for me AT ALL. I actually have really strong opinions about this books. Check out my blog post review here.

Ring Finger: A fictional character I would marry

Well Met by Jen DeLuca- The nerd in me swooned a little when I met Simon in this fun and steamy romance novel. This book was all around surprising to me in such a good way. I was not sure I would like it based on the plot synopsis, but it turned out to be one of my favorite romances that I read this year! Click here for my review.

Pinky Finger: A book I promise to read-

This Tender Land by William Krueger- I originally had this in my before the year ends stack as a book to read by the end of 2019. I decided to push it back because everyone loves it so much, and I really want to be able to read it without being rushed and overwhelmed by the craziness that happens over the holidays. I pinky promise to read this one in 2020!

What would be in your Five Finger Stack?

Published by laurensbookishlife

Book Reviewer

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